

在珍视关系和诚实的律法中,欺骗和偷窃是没有容身之地的. All work must be your own. 除了你自己的作品之外,所有的作品都必须得到认可——包括文字、思想和艺术. When working collaboratively on a project, 所有参与者的姓名必须包括在内,所有参与者对正确引用来源负有同等责任.

Any form of plagiarism, or cheating on 测试, 小测验, projects or papers will result in a zero on the assignment, disciplinary probation, and loss of candidacy for National Honor Society and other honors.


In order to prevent plagiarism, 所有主要的书面作业必须以电子方式提交给服务中心, Turnitin.com, which assesses each paper for originality. 学生将被告知注册每个班级所需的信息,以便提交书面作业.

Inappropriate Behavior

When students enroll in the Academy, 他们加入了一个社区,寻求在学校内外相互支持. It is for this reason that what Academy students do outside of school, as members of an Academy community, 我们关心的是什么?. 因此, 所有涉及学院学生的活动不仅要符合安全(物理)标准, 情感, 等.) but also to halachic standards (e.g. Shabbat, Kashrut, appropriate male/female interaction and modesty). 任何赞助活动的学生违反这一规范将面临停学并可能被学校开除. 参加此类活动并违反学院学生行为规范的学生可能会面临学校的后果.

The use of any illegal substance, such as drugs or alcohol, or the smoking of cigarettes, either on school premises or at any school activity, 是被禁止的. Any student found possessing, 消费, or selling alcoholic beverages or any other controlled substance, 无论是在学校操场上还是在学校活动期间,都将面临开除.

The internet offers great opportunities and poses great dangers.  我们鼓励家庭在所有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场到互联网的设备上安装适当的过滤器. ICJA将要求学生对他们在网上发布的内容负责,无论是在校内还是校外.

此外,管有任何可被解释为危险的物件(例如.g. 钢笔刀,枪,烟花),无论是在校园内还是在学校活动期间,都是禁止的. 任何被发现拥有此类物品的学生将面临停学并可能被学校开除.

最后,所有ICJA的学生都应该尊重老师和同龄人. 如果出于某种原因, a teacher asks a student to leave the classroom, that student is expected to go directly to Mr. Harris, and wait until an administrator issues a re-admit note.

AI Policy for Ida Crown Jewish Academy


At Ida Crown Jewish Academy, 我们相信整合技术的重要性,以提高学习,同时保持独立思考的价值, rigorous scholarship, and socialization through collaborative work. Al can be a potent tool in a student’s learning journey. It can offer personalized learning materials, help students understand complex topics, and give students access to a wealth of knowledge. 它可以促进学习,使学习更具互动性和吸引力. 然而, 使用ai时, 确保学生的行为在学术诚信的框架内是至关重要的. 

The goal of your education is not just about earning grades; it is about learning, 日益增长的, and preparing students for the future. 我们的人工智能政策旨在平衡人工智能工具的好处与基本学术技能的发展, ensuring that students learn to think critically, 写有效, conduct thorough research, and work collaboratively. AI tools included in this policy include text, graphics, and sound.

Teachers may adapt these guidelines for their courses, either further limiting or expanding the use of AI as they see fit, 包括禁止或要求在特定任务中使用人工智能. 这种改编必须在分配作业之前呈现给学生,并且必须以书面形式呈现


1. 人工智能的道德使用:

Students must use AI tools ethically and responsibly, ensuring their work maintains academic integrity. AI can assist in finding information and explaining concepts, 这很像一个导师帮助你,或者用谷歌找到解释信息或概念的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. In this way, AI can be used in an ethical fashion. 

然而, you should never use Al to complete your assignments, 测试, or any form of work entirely on your behalf. This would be equivalent to cheating and is an unethical use of AI.



2. AI as a Learning Aid:

AI should supplement learning, not replace it. Students are encouraged to use AI to brainstorm, 组织思想, and enhance their understanding of complex topics.


3. Independent Thought:

Assignments that require personal reflection, 批判性分析, or original thought must be completed independently. 人工智能工具可用于初步研究,但不应取代学生的分析和综合.

Examples of Specific Use Cases for AI

1. Research and Information Gathering:

Students may use AI tools to gather information and resources. Proper citation of AI-assisted research is mandatory.


2. Writing Assistance:

语法检查器和风格编辑器等人工智能工具可以用来提高写作质量. 然而, students must write their initial drafts independently.

允许人工智能生成重新措辞或语法更正的建议, 但最终的内容必须反映学生的声音和理解.

3. Problem-Solving and Data Analysis:

AI can be used for complex calculations, 数据分析, and simulations in subjects like math and science.

Students must demonstrate an understanding of the methods and processes, not just the results produced by AI tools.

Prohibited Uses of AI

1. Essay and Assignment Generation:

学生不允许使用人工智能来生成完整的论文、报告或其他作业. 这破坏了写作和批判性思维技能的发展.

2. Automated Responses and Homework Completion:

It is not allowed to use AI to complete homework assignments, 回答问题, or provide automated responses in lieu of personal effort.

3. Exams and Assessments:

在考试和评估期间禁止使用人工智能工具,除非老师明确允许用于特定目的(例如.g., using a calculator in a math test).

Monitoring and Enforcement

1. 人工智能检测:



2. Increased In-Class Assignments:

为了促进人工智能的正确使用,教师将增加使用指导性练习(例如.e., in-class work assignments, such as brief essays, problem-solving, 等.). 这些课堂作业将作为学生声音和能力的基准, 独立工作将与它们进行比较,以阻止人工智能的滥用.

3. Review and Adaptation:



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